How to make a weaving frame.

This week I decided to have a go at making a weaving frame/loom so thought I would share the process with you all.

You will need:
1 wooden picture frame or similar
Washi tape


I picked up a cork notice board for pretty cheap so I used a Stanley knife to cut out the cork part to leave the frame (yes that is my awesome floral Stanley knife)


The frame looked pretty ugly so I decided to put Washi tape around it to make it look better.


Once it’s all covered I started hammering nails into the frame at about half a centimeter apart but it’s up to you how close you want them to be. The hammering part took some time but it is worth taking your time so that the nails are straight.  If they are leaning into the frame then the yarn may pop off when you are putting the weft on.


This is the loom with it loaded up with yarn and ready to start weaving.

And this is the first little bit of weaving I have tried. I’m looking forward to trying difficult techniques like herring bone and experimenting with colours and different types of yarn.

It’s been an awesome easter. My gran came to visit from Scotland and as we are a crafty family we had a good time looking at all the craft shops and making pompoms to turn into easter chicks. I entertained my neices and I am so pround of my 7 year old neice learning how to knit.

We visited one of our favourite craft shop Funky Poppy and I got some button shaped nobs to use when I make over my desk and I also saw these awesome steam punk style buttons.


I’m glad this week that I picked up the wadding to get cracking with my quilt. So I have that one prepped and ready to sew now. I ordered a vintage thundercats duvet cover from eBay to make my beloved a quilt also. I can’t wait for that to arrive.

A Productive Week

Success.  I finished the crochet blanket commission at the weekend.  I’m quite pleased with it and the money will be going towards a new pair of boots.


I’m so glad this one is done. It nice to get things crossed off the to do list.

I decided to whip up a quick something on Saturday just to entertain myself. I’d been wanting to have a go at a felt brooch for a while having seen some beautiful examples on pinterest.


I used fusible paper bonding stuff to help cut out the pieces. Note: always iron glue side down. Can’t tell you how many times I have had to get the nail varnish remover out to get glue off the iron! It can be a little fiddly to remove the paper but it’s worth it for the nice clean edge you get.

I played around with the placing and ironed the pieces in position.  I then added buttons, beads and embroidery.


This was a nice quick little project. I enjoy the things that work up quickly. Instant gratification is hard to come by with a lot of craft projects.

I realised at the weekend that my boyfriend’s birthday is one short month away and I hadn’t started knitting his socks. He loves getting knitted socks so I agreed to make him a pair every year. We are on the 5th pair now! I popped down to hobby craft and picked up some lovely Diploma Gold yarn in red, white and black (the colours of the Atlanta Falcons, his favourite NFL team). My plan is to knit the word “flacons” down the front of the sock. This is the first time I have tried something like this on socks and also the first time I will be trying short row shaping on the heel. I got the pattern in Raveley The Short Row Heel Sock it looks nice and simple so fingers crossed he will have some awesome socks quite soon.
Here is my progress so far:
Let’s hope they get done by his birthday.

Time to fess up

I decided that my first proper post would be a confession of my many works in progess, in a hope it might spur me to finish a few things. I joke that I have craft ADHD, I start one project then get excited about something new and start something else and before I know it the craft room is hiding many unfinished works.

Just one piece on the needles at the moment. I started knitting the Duchess Raglan Jumper after Christmas with some aran wool held double. But true to classic form I have stopped at the waist and haven’t looked at it for some time. Still need to consider if I want to continue with it, maybe I’ll start again when the weather is colder.


This is a ripple blanket I have been working on as a commission so this is the priority project at the moment. It’s going to be a baby blanket although I have made it a little two big for a cot blanket so we’ll just have to wait and see what the finished product will look like.

I started this granny square blanket in January. It was originally going to be a throw for the sofa but I’m contemplating making it into a bed runner instead. Ooh, choices!


I have been working on these crochet squares for some time now. I’m using a rich green 4ply yarn so it’s quite light and lacey. I found the pattern in a book of 101 crocheted squares and thought this one had a nice vintage feel to it. Again I am thinking of making this into a bed runner or give it to someone as a gift.

This is one of my favourites. It’s a hexagon patchwork I am hand sewing using English paper piecing. I found the unfinished quilt in a charity shop. Lots of hexagons were already mounted onto card so I started sewing the rest together. I love all of the vintage fabrics in this one. I’m hoping it will be a large lap blanket when it’s done.
This is another quilt using English paper piecing and I am quilting and joining by machine. I am also trying the quilt as you go method. I did want this to be a double bed quilt but think this will take a long time so maybe a bed runner will be better (can you tell that I totally want a bed runner! )

This is quite a new one. I got the fabric from a craft shop in Liskeard. I loved the panel and it has coordinating fabric to go with it which made it so much easier to choose. I managed to get all the strips together in a day. Just waiting to pick up the batting then I can get quilting this beast! Very excited about this one, how could I not be with those adorable animals!

This is Ruby modelling a very shapeless dress I got for £1 in a charity shop. I need to work on my dressmaking skills so I plan to practice darts etc on cheap second hand clothing. That way I won’t be wasting expensive fabric if I mess up.

This is a rag rug that I started in September last year but progress is very slow. I got the rug making tools at a big craft show in Exeter and I have been using some old shirts. One day it will be a bathmat. I just hope the burlap doesn’t smell when it gets wet.

Well that is my confession in full. Hopefully I can get lots of stuff done but it is very likely that new projects will join this list too. I refuse to limit myself, I very much enjoy getting excited about new projects and there are always new and wonderful things to discover. Looking forward to sharing it all with you.